Adapted from Susan Szalewski’s article in the Catholic Voice, March 7, 2023
Meet Jay Jay. He’s five years old and dreams of being an artist, a chef — or a ninja!
Jay Jay likely picked up some of those traits from his mother, Hannah Elliot Peck, who studied baking and cake decorating before earning a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree (3.9 GPA) from Nebraska Methodist College.
Christ Child Society of Omaha helped, offering a $5,000 scholarship her senior year. “Those were stressful times, and it was a tremendous help,” she said. “I was able to pay for books, supplies, and tuition.”
Elliot Peck is one of 70 people who have benefited from Christ Child Society Scholarships since 2019. Currently, 34 are on scholarship, the vast majority single mothers. Scholarships are $5,000 a year (four-year degrees) and $2,500 (two-year degrees).
Our mission is to support children and families in need,” said Janet Nichting, president of Christ Child’s board of directors. “We help them complete their program. They just need a little boost to finish.”
The Christ Child Society receives scholarship nominations from several schools, including the College of Saint Mary, Nebraska Methodist College, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Bellevue University, and Clarkson College.
“The degrees truly change the trajectory of their lives,” Nichting said. “Their children begin to recognize what is possible as they watch their mothers get degrees and good jobs. The children have a different vision for their own future at that point.” After seeing his mom’s success, it’s likely Jay Jay’s dreams will expand beyond being a Ninja!